

Targeting Stealth Drivers for Optimal Outcomes

A4M and Metagenics have partnered to host a not to be missed event, exploring the drivers of fatigue. Featuring world-renowned Functional Medicine expert, Dr Andrew Heyman, along with one of Australia’s leading Naturopaths, Amina Eastham-Hillier, this two-day event will showcase the latest cutting-edge research and interventions in patients with chronic fatigue. Gain clinical insight from industry leaders, on the latest evidence that fatigue may not be a simple energy deficiency, but driven by underlying pathology, such as, thyroid and HPA axis dysfunction, mast cell activation, stealth infection and biotoxin illness. Leave the event armed with knowledge and tools to create life-changing results, for your patients presenting with fatigue.

21st- 22nd September 2019 | Pullman on the Park, 192 Wellington Street, Melbourne.






Dr Heyman is an internationally recognised expert in Integrative Medicine. He is currently the Program Director of Integrative and Metabolic Medicine at The George Washington University. Prior to this, he spent 16 years at the University of Michigan, serving to build one of the largest and most successful academic-based Integrative Medicine programs in the United States.

Dr Heyman holds a Masters in Health Services Administration at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and, upon graduation, became the administrator for the University of Michigan Complementary and Alternative Medicine Research Center where he was responsible for administering a $7 million NIH grant to research alternative therapies for cardiovascular diseases. The Center was one of the first to place alternative therapies and their scientific examination in an academic context.

Having held several leadership positions in the field of Integrative Medicine, he was co-chair of the Consortium of Academic Health Centers for Integrative Medicine for four years, is the online editor for the Journal of Men’s Health in the section of Integrative Medicine, is Editor-in-Chief of the Internet Journal of Anti-Ageing and Aesthetic Medicine and has research interests in areas of stress response, neuroendocrinology, cardiometabolic disease, men’s health and clinical outcomes research methodology.

Dr Heyman remains clinically active as the owner of a large Integrative Medicine Practice at the Virginia Center for Health and Wellness. He is also the President of Integrative Health Resources, a small group of clinical experts that consult to other Physicians, health systems and public health professionals seeking to develop wellness, lifestyle and nutrition programs. Dr Heyman has a public presence, having been featured broadly on television and in print. He is a widely sought-after and celebrated international speaker with a teaching approach rooted in scientific evidence, grounded in the clinical reality of expert patient care, and readily accessible to both new learners and seasoned Practitioners alike.




Amina is a Naturopath, Medical Herbalist and Nutritionist, and owns a successful multi-modality integrated clinic in Noosa, Queensland. With over 15 years of Naturopathic clinical practice, and 25 years of Nutritional practice, she successfully treats chronic illnesses.

Amina specialises in chronic illness e.g. Lyme disease, mould illness, fatigue, depression, hormonal imbalances, skin problems, allergies and digestive disorders.
Amina is extremely passionate about educating others in Functional Medicine and has presented as a keynote speaker to Medical Doctors and Naturopaths at international conferences, medical documentaries, TV and radio interviews, seminars, webinars, podcasts and workshops.

Amina is the Author of Lyme Natural which encompasses Naturopathic treatment for Lyme disease, co-infections, mould illness and stealth infections. She is also a regular writer for Nature & Health Magazine and won the award for ‘Australian Practitioner of The Year’ in 2017. Amina is currently finalising her second book, Chronic Stealth Infections – Filling in the Missing Pieces.


BHSc (Nat)


Nathan is a Naturopath and the Clinical Education Manager at Metagenics, where he plays a central role in the development of seminars and educational programs. He has a passion for following the latest scientific research and synthesising this into clinically meaningful information and tools for Practitioners. Nathan and his team are dedicated to critically evaluating new developments in Functional Medicine as a measure of ensuring that field progresses in a pragmatic direction.

Nathan is also the host of Metagenics Clinical Podcast, where he interviews world-leading Clinicians and Researchers, bringing cutting-edge information to Natural Healthcare Practitioners. The podcast allows Nathan to be in touch with advances of key areas of Functional Medicine such as microbiome science, biotoxin illness, nutrigenomics and immunology.

Nathan is a well know speaker on Natural Medicine, delivering education at major events throughout Australia and New Zealand. The combination of many years of clinical Naturopathic experience and a focus on evidence-based practice makes Nathan’s presentations highly relevant and informative.




0800  - - -  Registration
0845  - - -  Welcome
0900  - - -  Fatigue fundamentals – Case taking, workup and organising data with Dr Andrew Heyman
1030  - - -  Break
1100  - - -  Mitochondrial medicine for fatigue states with Nathan Rose
1230  - - -  Lunch
1330  - - -  Stress, thyroid and allostatic overload in fatigue with Dr Andrew Heyman
1500  - - -  Break
1530  - - -  Immune activation as a key source of fatigue with Nathan Rose
1700  - - -  Close


0845  - - -  Welcome and recap
0900  - - -  Biotoxin toxin illness: Understanding and assessment Part 1 with Dr Andrew Heyman
1030  - - -  Break
1100  - - -  Biotoxin toxin illness: management and remediation Part 2 with Dr Andrew Heyman
1230  - - -  Lunch
1330  - - -  Stealth infections: a holistic perspective with Amina Eastham-Hillier
1500  - - -  Break
1530  - - -  Case study and Q & A. All faculty
1700  - - -  Close




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